The Async Events

An Async Event is executed asynchronous after a processing life-cycle. In difference to Follow-Up Events the process instance will be persisted in a new status before a async event is executed.

Async Events are modeled as BPMN Boundary Events.

The Async Event is identified by the following task attributes:


The timerEventDefinition is optional.

In BPMN2 the definition of a Async Event looks like this:

<bpmn2:boundaryEvent id="BoundaryEvent_1" name="" attachedToRef="Task_1">
  <bpmn2:timerEventDefinition id="TimerEventDefinition_2">
    <bpmn2:timeDuration xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" id="FormalExpression_4">1000</bpmn2:timeDuration>
<bpmn2:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_8" sourceRef="BoundaryEvent_1" targetRef="IntermediateCatchEvent_3"/>

The AsyncEventProcessor

The AsyncEventProcessor is a managed execution service observing the life cycle of a process instance. If a process instance reaches a task with a Async Event a asynchronous log event will be created and the targetEvent will be executed after the processing life-cycle is completed.

The TransactionID

A workitem entity is holding a $transactionID identifying the last processing life-cycle. An AsyncEvent is only processed in case the $transactionID matches the last transactionID from the workitem. In case the $transactionID has changed the AsyncEventProcessor discards the eventLog entry. This mechanism ensures that AsyncEvents are not fired twice or outside the corresponding status.


The AsyncEventProcessor runs on a scheduled base defined by the following environment settings:

ASYNCEVENT_PROCESSOR_INTERVAL - timeout period in milliseconds
ASYNCEVENT_PROCESSOR_ENABLED - must be set to true (default=false).
ASYNCEVENT_PROCESSOR_DEADLOCK - deadlock in milliseconds (default 1 minute)

To prevent concurrent processes to handle the same workitems the batch process uses a Optimistic lock strategy. The expiration time on the lock can be set by the environment variable ASYNCEVENT_PROCESSOR_DEADLOCK.