The ModelService

The Model Service provides a service layer to manage workflow models. The model service persists BPMN models in the internal model repository. Each model is identified by a unique version assigned to a model. This service component is used by the Imixs Workflow Engine internally. The service is based on the core interface Model.

To create and manage workflow models the Eclipse tool Imixs-BPMN Modeller can be used.


The ModelService EJB extends the interface org.imixs.workflow.ModelManager and provides the following methods:

Method Description
getModel(version) Returns a Model by version. The method throws a ModelException in case the model version did not exits.
addModel(model ) Adds a new Model to the ModelManager.
removeModel(version) Removes a Model from the ModelManager.
getModelByWorkitem(workitem) Returns a Model matching a given workitem. The method throws a ModelException in case the model version did not exits..
getVersions() Returns a sorted String list of all stored model versions.
findVersionsByGroup(group) Returns a sorted list of model versions containing the workflow group. The result is sorted in reverse order, so the highest version number is the first in the result list.
saveModel(model,filename) Saves a BPMNModel into a Document and adds the model into the ModelManager. The model can be accessed by its filename
saveModel(model) Saves a BPMNModel into a Document and adds the model into the ModelManager.
deleteModel(version) Deletes an existing Model Entities from the database and removes the model form the internal ModelStore..
loadModelEntity(version) Loads an existing Model Entities from the database.

Auto Detect ModelVersion

With the method getModelByWorkitem(workitem) the ModelService provides an algorithm to find a matching model version either by the item $workflowGroup or by a regex. For example

modelversion = "(^1.0)" 

will find a model version 1.0.7

If no modelversion is provided by a workitem but the $workflowgroup matches a model the model version will be taken from the latest version of the corresponding group.

How to Add a Model

The ModelService provides a method to add a BPMNModel object. This object can be created from a file. See the following example:

ModelService modelService;
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File("ticket.bpmn"));
ticketModel = BPMNParser.parseModel(inputStream, "UTF-8");

You can also persist the model into the data storage,"ticket.bpmn");

A persisted model will be automatically loaded when the workflow service starts.