THe History Plugin

The HistoryPlugin generates a workflow history for each process instance depending on the configuration in the workflow model.

Plugin Class Name:


For each workflow step the HistoryPlugin generates a separate entry which is added into the history list (txtworkflowhistory) of the WorkItem. Each history entry provides the following entries:

  • date of creation (Date)
  • comment (String)
  • userID (String)

The History entries can be configured in the workflow model using the Imixs-BPMN Modeler.

For each event processed by the Imixs-Workflow engine a new history entry will be added into the WorkItem. The history is a user-friendly process documentation like in the following example:

02.10.2006 13:36:47 : Document saved by Tom.
02.10.2006 13:46:37 : Document assigned by Mark.
02.10.2006 13:36:47 : Document saved by Anna.

A history entry support the Text Replacer feature.

Document saved by <itemvalue>$currenteditor</itemvalue>

Maximum Length of History

The number of entries for the history list can be restricted to a maximum number of entries by adding the attribute “numworkflowhistoryLength” into the workitem. The Attribute indicates the maximum number of entries. If lower 0 no limit is set.

JSF Example

The following example shows how to output the workflow history list using facelets:

<ui:fragment rendered="#{!empty workflowController.workitem.item['txtworkflowhistory']}">
	<h:dataTable var="log"
			<h:outputText value="#{log[0]}">
				<f:convertDateTime timeZone="#{message.timeZone}" type="both"
					pattern="#{message.dateTimePattern}" /> 
			<h:outputText value="#{log[1]}" />