Mail Plugin

The MailPlugin provides an implementation for sending mails via the Java mail api. To use this plugin in a Workflow application you need to add the following PluginClass to the Model Configuration:


See the Imixs-BPMN Modeller for details about modeling a mail activity. Running the Imixs MailPlugin in a JEE container requires a valid JNDI mail resource. A mail resource can be configured from the application server environment. The expected JNDI resource name to lookup the mail resource by the Imixs MailPlugin is


The mail resource object is used to send outgoing mails to mail server. See Java EE spec for details about Java managing mail sessions.

Deployment Descriptors

As the MailPlugin needs to lookup the Java mail resource using a JNDI Lookup you need to provide a valid resource reference to the WorkflowService. Therefore you need to add the mail resource into the ejb-jar.xml to provide the WorkflowService EJB with a valid JNDI resource. See the following ejb-jar.xml example for GlassFish V3


       <!-- Mail Configuration -->
         <description>Mail Plugin Session name</description>
       <!-- Mail resource -->

Note: In other application servers the resource-ref can have a different jndi name. E.g. for JBoss/WildFly need to be full specified: “java:/mail/org.imixs.workflow.mail”

Default Sender Address

The default sender address will be set with the current user name. To manipulate the sender address the Plugin checks if the imixs property ‘mail.defaultSender’. If the property is defined, the plugin overwrites the ‘From’ attribute of every mail with the DefaultSender address. The default sender address can be changed in the file. If no value is set the mail will be send from the current users mail address.

A subclass of the MailPlugin can change the behavior by overwriting the method ‘getFrom()’

Example (

# Marty Mail Plugin

Test Mode

The Mailplugin can be configured to run in a Test-Mode when the property ‘mail.testRecipients’ is defined. The property value can contain one ore many (comma separated) Email addresses. If those email addresses are defined than a email will be send only to this recipients. The Subject will be prefixed with the text ‘TEST: ’.



It is possible to set the character set used for the mail subject and body parts. There for the key ‘mail.charSet’ is used. If this property is not defined the charset defaults to ‘ISO-8859-1’!