Interval Plugin

The Imixs Interval Plugin implements an mechanism to adjust a date field of a workitem based on a interval definition. The interval description is stored in a field with the prafix ‘keyinterval’ followed by the name of an existing DateTime field. See the following example:


Depending on the keyInterval value the next due date will be computed in case the current date lies in the past. The interval description can be a number of days or one of the following literals

  • daily - increment one day
  • weekly - increment 7 days
  • monthly - increment one month
  • yearly - increment one year

The Plugin only runs on scheduled activities. So using the interval plugin in a workflow model provides an easy way for scheduling periodical intervals. The following interval values are currently supported:

Value Description
daily Adjust the date value for 1 day
Example: 15.01.2014 => 16.01.2014
weekly Adjust the date value for 7 days
Example: 15.01.2014 => 22.01.2014
monthly Adjust the date value for one month
Example: 15.01.2014 => 15.02.2014
yearly Adjust the date value for one year
Example: 15.01.2014 => 15.01.2015
[NUMBER] Adjust the date value by a number of days
Example ‘5’: 15.01.2014 => 20.01.2015