The ModelService

The Model Service provides a service layer to manage workflow models. The model service persists BPMN models in the internal model repository. Each model is identified by a unique version assigned to a model. This service component is used by the Imixs Workflow Engine internally. The service is based on the core interface Model.

To create and manage workflow models the Eclipse tool Imixs-BPMN Modeller can be used.


The ModelService implementations extends Interface ‘org.imixs.workflow.Model’ and provides the following methods:

Method Description
getProcessEntity(processID,Version) returns a process entity
getActivityEntity(processID,activityID,Version) returns a activity entity assigned to a process entity
getProcessEntityList(Version) returns all process entities for a specific model version
getActivityEntityList(processID,Version) returns all activity entities assigned to a process entity
saveProcessEntity(entity) persists an activity entity
saveActivityEntity(entity) persists an activity entity
saveEnvironmentEntity(entity) persists an environament entity containing model environment properties
removeModel(version) removes a persisted process model version
removeModelGroup(group,version) removes a persisted process model group by inside a model
getLatestVersion() returns the latest model version available in the model repository
getLatestVersionByWorkitem() returns the latest model version available in the model repository matching the model assigned to a existing process instance
getAllModelProfiles() returns all profile environment entities
getAllModelVersions() returns a list of all model versions stored in the model repository
getPublicActivities(processID,Version) returns all public activity entities assigned to a process entity
getAllWorkflowGroups(Version) returns all workflow groups assigned to a model version
getAllStartProcessEntities(Version) returns all initial process entities for a model version
getAllProcessEntitiesByGroup(Group,Version) returns all process entities for a workflow group in a specific model version
importBPMNModel(Stream) imports a BPMN model file
importModel(Stream) imports a XML model file