The Imixs-Workflow Model

The Imixs-Workflow Model separates the process definition from the Workflow implementation. For this purpose, the interface ‘org.imixs.workflow.Model’ provides methods to navigate through a Workflow Model with its ‘Process Entities’ and ‘Activity Entities’. A ‘Process Entity’ describes the state within the model definition (Task). It is typically represented as a Node inside a graphical workflow model. On the contrary, an ‘Activity Entity’ contains information to control the process flow (Event). An activity entity is typical represented as an edge inside a graphical workflow model. A workflow model always has a unique version which allows to manage different process model inside one Workflow Management System.

The Process Entity

A ‘Process Entity’ contains information about a process stage within the process model. It is used to unambiguously define the status of a WorkItem. In BPMN an Process Entity is modeled as a Task element.

A ‘Process Entity’ is defined by a unique ID. A model cannot contain several ‘Process Entities’ having the same ID. The following attributes must be provided by each instance of a ‘Process Entity’:

  • numProcessID - an integer unique identifier for the ‘Process Entity’ inside the model
  • txtName - The name for the Entity
  • txtWorkflowGroup - The name of the ProcessGroup the Entity belongs to.

The Activity Entity

On the contrary, an ‘Activity Entity’ contains all information required to process a Workitem. The ‘Activity Entity’ defines the process flow of a Workitem from one ‘Process Entity’ to another. In BPMN an Activity Entity is modeled as an Event element.

An ‘Activity Entity’ is assigned to a ‘Process Entity’. The ID of each ‘Activity Entity’ must be unique inside a collection of Activities assigned to the same ‘Process Entity’. The ‘Activity Entity’ must provide the following items:

  • numProcessID - an integer ID which associates the ‘Activity Entity’ to a ‘Process Entity’
  • numActivityID - an integer unique identifier for the ‘Activity Entity’
  • numNextID - an Iteger ID which defines the next ‘Process Entity’ a workitem is assigned to after processing.
  • txtName - The name for the Entity

The Process Flow

When a Workitem is processed by the Imixs-Workflow engine the properties ‘$ProcessID’ and ‘$ActivityID’ are verified against the process model by the WorkflowKernel. Depending on the information of the assigned ‘Activity Entity’ the WorkflowKernel updates the status of the Workitem (‘$ProcessID’) after the Workitem was processed.

The Interface

The Interface ‘org.imixs.workflow.Model’ defines the following methods:

Method Description
getProcessEntity(processID,Version) returns a process entity
getActivityEntity(processID,activityID,Version) returns a activity entity assigned to a process entity
getProcessEntityList(Version) returns all process entities for a specific model version
getActivityEntityList(processID,Version) returns all activity entities assigned to a process entity

Navigate the Model

You can use the Model interface to navigate through the process model. See the following example:

Model model;
// lookup a ProcessEntiy 
// receive the processEntityList containing all Process Entities
Collection<ItemCollection> col1=model.getProcessEntityList();
// receive a collection of all Activities for a Process Entity
Collection<ItemCollection> col2=model.getActivityEntityList(processid)

The Imixs ModelService

The Imixs-Workflow engine provides the ModelService component which implements the Model Interface on the JEE component stack. This Service provides a various methods to navigate and manage a Workflow model. Find more information about the Imixs-WorkflowService in the section Model Service.