The WorkflowService Interface

The WorkflowService is the Java EE implementation of the WorkflowManager interface of the core API. This service component allows to process, update and lookup workItems in the Imixs-Workflow engine.

Before a workitem can be processed by the WorkflowService a process model need to be defined and deployed into the workflow engine. See the section Imixs-BPMN Modeler for details about how to create a model and upload it into the workflow server. The following example shows how a workitem can be processed using the WorkflowService component. A workitem must provide at least the following properties:

  • $ModelVersion
  • $ProcessID
  • $ActivityID

These properties are defining the workflow activity which should be processed by the workflowManager.

  org.imixs.workflow.jee.ejb.WorkflowService workflowService;
  // create an empty workitem
  ItemCollection workitem=new ItemCollection();
  workitem.replaceItemValue("type", "workitem");
  workitem.replaceItemValue("name", "Anna");
  workitem.replaceItemValue("txtTitel", "My first workflow example");

  // set workflow status based on a supported model
  workitem.replaceItemValue("$modelVersion", "1.0.0");
  workitem.replaceItemValue("$processID", 10);
  workitem.replaceItemValue("$ActivityID", 10);
  // process the workitem

After a new workitem is process the first time, it is under the control of the WorkflowManager. To get the current list of all workitems created by the current user, the method() getWorkListByCreator can be called:

  org.imixs.workflow.jee.ejb.WorkflowService workflowService;
  Collection<ItemCollection> worklist=workflowService.getWorkListByCreator(null,0,-1);

To read the list of all workitems created by a specific user, the parameter username need to be specified:

Collection<ItemCollection> worklist=workflowService.getWorkListByCreator('manfred',0,-1);

The WorkflowManager provides a paging mechanism to browse through long result-sets. The following example shows how to get 5 workitems starting at the tenth record

Collection<ItemCollection> worklist=workflowService.getWorkListByCreator(null,10,5);

Worklist methods

The following methods provide different ways to read a worklist by categories. The workflowService returns only workitems in a worklist if the user has read access. If a workitem is not access able for the user this workitem will not be included in the result-set. All result-sets can be ordered by modified or creation date.


Returns a collection of workitems for the current user. A Workitem belongs to a user or role if the user has at least read write access to this workitem.

Collection<ItemCollection> list=workflowService.getWorkList();

You can specify the type, the start position, the count and sort order of workitems returned by this method. The type of a workitem is defined by the workitem property ‘type’ which can be set before a workitem is processed.

  String type="workitem";
  Collection<ItemCollection> list=workflowService.getWorkList(0,-1,


Returns a collection of workitems belonging to a specified user. This filter can be set to a username or a user role defined by the application. A Workitem belgons to a user or role if the user has write access to this workitem. So the method returns workitems which can be processed by the user.

  String type="workitem";
  String user="manfred"
  Collection<ItemCollection> list=workflowService.getWorkList(user,0,-1,


Returns a collection of workitems belonging to a specified workflow group. The workflow group is defined by the workflow model and includes all process entities defined by a business process

  String type="workitem";
  String group="Ticketservice";
  Collection<ItemCollection> list=workflowService.getWorkListByGroup(group,0,-1,


Returns a collection of workitems belonging to a specified $processID defined by the workflow model.

  String type="workitem";
  Collection<ItemCollection> list=workflowService.getWorkListByProcessID(2100,0,-1,


Returns a collection of workitems containing a namOwner property belonging to a specified username. The namOwner property is typical controlled by the OwnerPlugin using the Imixs Workflow Modeler

  String type="workitem";
  String user="Manfred"
  Collection<ItemCollection> list=workflowService.getWorkListByOwner(user,0,-1,


Returns a collection of workitems where the current user has at least writeAccess. This means the either the username or one of the user roles is contained in the $writeaccess property of each workitem returned by the method.

  String type="workitem";
  Collection<ItemCollection> list=workflowService.getWorkListByWriteAccess(0,-1,


Returns a collection of workitems belonging to a specified workitem identified by the attribute $UniqueIDRef.

  String type="workitem";
  Collection<ItemCollection> list=workflowService.getWorkListByRef(refID,0,-1,

Model Version Management

Each time a running process instance is updated, the WorkflowService compares the internal model version with the model versions provided by the model repository. In case the current model version is no longer available the WorkflowService automatically upgrades an active process instance to the latest version in the repository. Therefore the engine verifies the task ID (numprocessid) and the process name (txtworkflowgroup) with the corresponding models. This mechanism allows to upgrade process instances at run time to a newer version.

It is also possible to handle different versions of a model at the same time. In this case each process instance is processed by the model version from which it was started.