The Workflow Service

The resource /workflow provides methods to create, process and read workitems through the Imixs-Rest API.

GET a Workitem

The subresource /workflow/workitem/ provides GET methods to read the content of a workitem:

URI Method Description
/workflow/workitem/{uniqueid} GET a single workitem represented by the provided uniqueid
/workflow/workitem/{uniqueid}/file/{file} GET a file attachment located in the property $file of the spcified workitem

GET a Task List

The subresource /workflow/tasklist/ provides GET methods to read collections of workitems:

URI Method Description
/workflow/worklist GET a collection of workitems owned by the current user (the default tasklist)
/workflow/tasklist/owner/{owner} GET a collection of workitems owned by a specific user (or value ‘null’ for the current user)
/workflow/tasklist/creator/{creator} GET a collection of workitems created by a specific user (or value ‘null’ for the current user)
/workflow/tasklist/author/{author} GET a collection of workitems for which a specific user has explicit write permission (or value ‘null’ for the current user)
/workflow/tasklist/writeaccess GET a collection of workitems, the current user has a write permission. This means that the current userID or at least one of its roles is contained in the $writeaccess property.
/workflow/tasklist/processid/{processid} GET a collection of workitems in a specific process state
/workflow/tasklist/group/{processgroup} GET a collection of workitems in a specific process group
/workflow/tasklist/ref/{uniqueid} GET a collection of workitems referenced to a specific uniqueId (childs)

Resource Options

With the following optional URI parameters the GET request can be filtered and sorted:

option description example
pageSize number of documents returned ..?pagesize=10
pageIndex page index to start ..?pageindex=5&pagesize=10
sortBy sort item ..&sortBy=txtworkflowstatus
sortReverse sort direction (ascending/descending) ..&sourtReverse=true
type filter workitems by the ‘type’ property ..&type=workitem
items filter item values to be returned ..&items=$taskid,$modellversion
format optional output format JSON/XML ..&format=json or &format=xml



See details about the search in the section Search Index.

Note: The Imixs-Workflow manages the access to workitems by individual access lists per each entity. The result of a collection of workitems depends on the current user access-level and read access permissions for a workitem. Read also the section Access Control for further information.

PUT/POST a Workitem or Task List

The methods PUT, POST allow to create and process a workitem or a task list:

URI Method Description
/workflow/workitem POST posts a workitem, to be processed by the workflow manager. To update an existing workitem, the attribute $uniqueid must be provided as part of the data structure. The media types application/xml, application/json and x-www-form-urlencoded are supported.
/workflow/workitem/{uniqueid} POST posts a workitem by uniqueid, to be processed by the workflow manager. The media types application/xml, application/json and x-www-form-urlencoded are supported.
/workflow/tasklist POST posts a list of workitems to be processed by the workflow manager. The media type application/xml is supported.
/workflow/workitem/typed POST posts a workitem in the typed JSON Format, to be processed by the workflow manager. To update an existing workitem, the attribute $uniqueid must be provided as part of the data structure. Only the media types application/json is supported.
/workflow/workitem/{uniqueid} POST posts a workitem by uniqueid in the typed JSON Format, to be processed by the workflow manager.Only the media types application/json is supported.

GET Events by Workitem

The subresource /workflow/events/ provides a GETer method to read the current workflow events for a running instance:

URI Method Description
/workitem/events/{uniqueid} GET Returns a collection of events of a workitem, visible to the current user

Error Codes

The Imixs workflow rest API may send an HTTP error code if a request could not be processed for various reasons:

HTTP Error Code Method Description
404 (Not Found) GET/PUT/POST/DELTE The requested workitem was not found or is read protected. See also the section security model.
406 (Not Acceptable) PUT/POST The data in the request was incomplete or could not be processed.

In case of a PUT/POST request a HTTP Error Code 406 may also includes a response object with a detailed error message and an error code. The error code is stored in the item ‘$error_code’. An error message is stored in the item ‘$error_message’,