BPMN Data Objects

BPMN Data Objects are used to specify information, which is not related to the flow of the process. These elements are not executable but can be used for readability, analysis or execution of a business processes.

In Imixs-Workflow Data Objects can be associated with an Imixs Task or Event element.

When executing an Event by a Plug-In or an Adapter the application can access the data stored in an associated Data Object. For example, when creating a new invoice process a invoice-template may be needed to produce a new document. This template code can be stored in a Data Objects.

How To Access the Data Object

Plugins or Adapter classes can access the data object by the ModelService:

Plug-In Example:

public class MyPlugin implements Plugin {
    ModelService modelService;

	public ItemCollection run(ItemCollection workitem, ItemCollection event) throws Exception {
		// extract the data from a DataObject
		String data = modelService.getDataObject(event, "MyObject");

This example plug-in code extracts the Data stored in a BPMN Data Object with the name ‘MyObject’ associated to an Event Element. The method ‘getDataObject’ returns null if no DataObject with the given name is associated with the event element.

Adapter Example:

public class DemoAdapter implements org.imixs.workflow.SignalAdapter {
    // inject services...
    ModelService modelService;
	public ItemCollection execute(ItemCollection document, ItemCollection event) throws AdapterException {
		// extract the data from a DataObject
		String data = modelService.getDataObject(event, "MyObject");

This adapter example extracts the Data stored in a BPMN Data Object with the name ‘MyObject’ associated to an Event Element. The method ‘getDataObject’ returns null if no DataObject with the given name is associated with the event element.

Note: A Data Object must be associated with an Imixs Task or Event element to get the data.

Get Data from a Task:

Data Object can be either associated with a Event or a Task element. To get the Data associcated with an Imixs Task Element you need to load the Task first:

	ItemCollection task = model.getTask(1000);
	// extract the data from a DataObject
	String data = modelService.getDataObject(task, "MyObject");

As an alternative you can extract dataObject direct from the BPMN Event or Task Element by inspecting the item ‘dataObject’. DataObjects are stored in Lists of key/value pairs:

	ItemCollection task = model.getTask(1000);
	List<?> dataObjects = task.getItemValue("dataObjects");
	// get first data object...
	String[] data=(String[]) dataObjects.get(0);
	// get name
	Assert.assertEquals("Invoice Template",data[0]);
	// get documentation
	Assert.assertEquals("Some data ...",data[1]);