Imixs Workflow Actions

The Imixs-Faces custom tag ‘workflowactions’ provides action toolbar based on the current workflow model. The tag can be used together with a workflowController component.

<i:imixsWorkflowActions workflowController="#{workflowController}"
         disabletooltip="false" />

This tag will automatically provide command buttons for each workflow activity defined in the current workflow model. The component used the workflowController to dertermine the current workflow state. Each command button generated by this custom tag has the style class ‘imixs-workflow-action’. This class can be customized to change the design of the buttons.


The Imixs-Faces custom tag ‘workflowactions’ add a dynamic tooltip feature to display a description text on mouse over. The text can be provided by the workflow model (rtfdescription). The tooltip is rendered by the jQuery UI ‘ToolTip’ feature. To disable this feature use the attribute ‘disabletooltip’

<i:imixsWorkflowActions workflowController="#{workflowController}"
       disabletooltip="false" />