The Workflow Service

The Imixs-Workflow REST service interface provides different resources located under /workflow to access and modifiy workitems.

GET Workitem Resource

The resource /workflow/workitem returns a single workitem or meta data:

URI Description
/workflow/workitem/{uniqueid} a single workitem represented by the provided uniqueid
/workflow/workitem/{uniqueid}/file/{file} a file attachment located in the property $file of the spcified workitem

GET Task List Resources

The resource /workflow/tasklist/ returns collections of workitems:

URI Description
/workflow/worklist a collection of workitems representing the worklist for the current user
/workflow/tasklist/owner/{owner} a collection of workitems owned by a specific user (or value ‘null’ for the current user)
/workflow/tasklist/creator/{creator} a collection of workitems created by a specific user (or value ‘null’ for the current user)
/workflow/tasklist/processid/{processid} a collection of workitems in a specific process state
/workflow/tasklist/group/{processgroup} a collection of workitems in a specific process group
/workflow/tasklist/ref/{uniqueid} a collection of workitems referenced to a specific uniqueid (childs)
/workflow/tasklist/query/{query} a collection of workitems specified by a JPQL phrase

PUT/POST Workitem or Task List

The following resource URIs are used to PUT and POST a wokitem or a task list:

URI Description
/workflow/workitem posts a workitem to be processed by the workflow manager. The post data can be x-www-form-urlencoded or in xml format
/workflow/workitem/{uniqueid} posts a workitem to be processed by the workflow manager. The post data can be x-www-form-urlencoded or in xml format
/workflow/workitem.json posts a workitem to be processed by the workflow manager. The post data is expected in json format. The result in json format
/workflow/workitem.json/{uniqueid} posts a workitem to be processed by the workflow manager. The post data is expected in json format. The result in json format
/workflow/tasklist posts a list of workitems to be processed by the workflow manager. The post data can be x-www-form-urlencoded or in xml format

Resource Options

Additional URI parameters can be used to filter the result set, or to navigate through a sub list of the result set.

option description example
count number of workitems to be returned by a collection ..?count=10
start start position of a collection of workitems ..?start=5&count=10
type filter workitems by the ‘type’ property ..?type=workitem
sortorder sortorder of the returned collection
(0=creation date descending
,1=creation date ascending
,2=modified date descending
,3=modified date ascending)

Note: The Imixs-Workflow manages the access to workitems by individual access lists per each entity. The result of a collection of workitems depends on the current user accesslevel and read access permissions for a workitem. Read also the section Access Control for further information.