Class WorkflowRestService


@Path("/workflow") @Produces({"text/html","application/xml","application/json","text/xml"}) public class WorkflowRestService extends Object
The WorkflowService Handler supports methods to process different kind of request URIs
  • Constructor Details

    • WorkflowRestService

      public WorkflowRestService()
  • Method Details

    • getHelpHTML

      @GET @Produces("text/html") public getHelpHTML()
    • getWorkItem

      @GET @Path("/workitem/{uniqueid : ([0-9a-f]{8}-.*|[0-9a-f]{11}-.*)}") public getWorkItem(@PathParam("uniqueid") String uniqueid, @QueryParam("items") String items, @QueryParam("format") String format)
      returns a single workitem defined by $uniqueid
      uniqueid -
    • getWorkItemFile

      @GET @Path("/workitem/{uniqueid : ([0-9a-f]{8}-.*|[0-9a-f]{11}-.*)}/file/{file}") public getWorkItemFile(@PathParam("uniqueid") String uniqueid, @PathParam("file") @Encoded String file, @Context uriInfo)
      Returns a file attachment located in the property $file of the specified workitem

      The file name will be encoded. With a URLDecode the filename is decoded in different formats and searched in the file list. This is not a nice solution.

      uniqueid -
    • getEvents

      @GET @Path("/workitem/events/{uniqueid : ([0-9a-f]{8}-.*|[0-9a-f]{11}-.*)}") public getEvents(@PathParam("uniqueid") String uniqueid, @QueryParam("format") String format)
      Returns a collection of events of a workitem, visible to the current user
      uniqueid - of workitem
      list of event entities
    • getWorkList

      @GET @Path("/worklist") public getWorkList(@QueryParam("type") String type, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("pageIndex") int pageIndex, @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("pageSize") int pageSize, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("sortBy") String sortBy, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("sortReverse") Boolean sortReverse, @QueryParam("items") String items, @QueryParam("format") String format)
      Returns a collection of workitems representing the worklist by the current user
      start -
      count -
      type -
      sortorder -
    • getTaskListByOwner

      @GET @Path("/tasklist/owner/{owner}") public getTaskListByOwner(@PathParam("owner") String owner, @QueryParam("type") String type, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("pageIndex") int pageIndex, @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("pageSize") int pageSize, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("sortBy") String sortBy, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("sortReverse") Boolean sortReverse, @QueryParam("items") String items, @QueryParam("format") String format)
    • getTaskListByAuthor

      @GET @Path("/tasklist/author/{user}") public getTaskListByAuthor(@PathParam("user") String user, @QueryParam("type") String type, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("pageIndex") int pageIndex, @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("pageSize") int pageSize, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("sortBy") String sortBy, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("sortReverse") Boolean sortReverse, @QueryParam("items") String items, @QueryParam("format") String format)
      Returns a collection of workitems for which the specified user has explicit write permission.
      start -
      count -
      type -
      sortorder -
    • getTaskListByWriteAccess

      @GET @Path("/tasklist/writeaccess") public getTaskListByWriteAccess(@QueryParam("type") String type, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("pageIndex") int pageIndex, @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("pageSize") int pageSize, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("sortBy") String sortBy, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("sortReverse") Boolean sortReverse, @QueryParam("items") String items, @QueryParam("format") String format)
      Returns a collection of workitems where the current user has a write permission. This means that the current userID or at least one of its roles is contained in the $writeaccess property.
      start -
      count -
      type -
      sortorder -
    • getTaskListByCreator

      @GET @Path("/tasklist/creator/{creator}") public getTaskListByCreator(@PathParam("creator") String creator, @QueryParam("type") String type, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("pageIndex") int pageIndex, @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("pageSize") int pageSize, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("sortBy") String sortBy, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("sortReverse") Boolean sortReverse, @QueryParam("items") String items, @QueryParam("format") String format)
    • getTaskListByProcessID

      @GET @Path("/tasklist/processid/{processid}") public getTaskListByProcessID(@PathParam("processid") int processid, @QueryParam("type") String type, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("pageIndex") int pageIndex, @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("pageSize") int pageSize, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("sortBy") String sortBy, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("sortReverse") Boolean sortReverse, @QueryParam("items") String items, @QueryParam("format") String format)
    • getTaskListByGroup

      @GET @Path("/tasklist/group/{processgroup}") public getTaskListByGroup(@PathParam("processgroup") String processgroup, @QueryParam("type") String type, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("pageIndex") int pageIndex, @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("pageSize") int pageSize, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("sortBy") String sortBy, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("sortReverse") Boolean sortReverse, @QueryParam("items") String items, @QueryParam("format") String format)
    • getTaskListByRef

      @GET @Path("/tasklist/ref/{uniqueid : ([0-9a-f]{8}-.*|[0-9a-f]{11}-.*)}") public getTaskListByRef(@PathParam("uniqueid") String uniqueid, @QueryParam("type") String type, @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("pageIndex") int pageIndex, @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("pageSize") int pageSize, @DefaultValue("") @QueryParam("sortBy") String sortBy, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("sortReverse") Boolean sortReverse, @QueryParam("items") String items, @QueryParam("format") String format)
    • postFormWorkitem

      @POST @Path("/workitem") @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") public postFormWorkitem(InputStream requestBodyStream, @QueryParam("items") String items)
      This method expects a form post and processes the WorkItem by the WorkflowService EJB. After the workItem was processed the method redirect the request to the provided action URI. The action URI can also be computed by the Imixs Workflow ResutlPlugin
      requestBodyStream - - form content
      action - - return URI
    • postFormWorkitemByUnqiueID

      @POST @Path("/workitem/{uniqueid : ([0-9a-f]{8}-.*|[0-9a-f]{11}-.*)}") @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") public postFormWorkitemByUnqiueID(@PathParam("uniqueid") String uid, InputStream requestBodyStream, @QueryParam("items") String items)
      This method expects a form post and processes the WorkItem by the WorkflowService EJB. After the workItem was processed the method redirect the request to the provided action URI. The action URI can also be computed by the Imixs Workflow ResutlPlugin
      requestBodyStream - - form content
      items - - optional item list to be returned in the result
    • putFormWorkitem

      @PUT @Path("/workitem") @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") public putFormWorkitem(InputStream requestBodyStream, @QueryParam("items") String items)
      This method expects a form post.
      requestBodyStream -
      items - - optional item list to be returned in the result
      See Also:
      • putWorkitemDefault
    • postWorkitem

      @POST @Path("/workitem") @Consumes({"application/xml","text/xml","application/json"}) public postWorkitem(XMLDocument xmlworkitem, @QueryParam("items") String items)
      This method post a ItemCollection object to be processed by the WorkflowManager. The method test for the properties $taskidid and $eventid NOTE!! - this method did not update an existing instance of a workItem. The behavior is different to the method putWorkitem(). It need to be discussed if the behavior is wrong or not.
      workitem - - new workItem data
      items - - optional item list to be returned in the result
    • putWorkitem

      @PUT @Path("/workitem") @Consumes({"application/xml","text/xml","application/json"}) public putWorkitem(XMLDocument workitem, @QueryParam("items") String items)
      workitem -
      items - - optional item list to be returned in the result
    • postWorkitemByUniqueID

      @POST @Path("/workitem/{uniqueid : ([0-9a-f]{8}-.*|[0-9a-f]{11}-.*)}") @Consumes({"application/xml","text/xml","application/json"}) public postWorkitemByUniqueID(@PathParam("uniqueid") String uniqueid, XMLDocument xmlworkitem, @QueryParam("items") String items)
    • putWorkitemByUniqueID

      @PUT @Path("/workitem/{uniqueid : ([0-9a-f]{8}-.*|[0-9a-f]{11}-.*)}") @Consumes({"application/xml","text/xml","application/json"}) public putWorkitemByUniqueID(@PathParam("uniqueid") String uniqueid, XMLDocument xmlworkitem, @QueryParam("items") String items)
      Delegater for PUT postXMLWorkitemByUniqueID
      workitem -
      items - - optional item list to be returned in the result
    • postWorkitems

      @POST @Path("/workitems") @Consumes({"application/xml","text/xml","application/json"}) public postWorkitems(XMLDataCollection worklist)
      This method post a collection of ItemCollection objects to be processed by the WorkflowManager.
      worklist - - workitem list data
      items - - optional item list to be returned in the result
    • putWorkitems

      @PUT @Path("/workitems") @Consumes({"application/xml","text/xml","application/json"}) public putWorkitems(XMLDataCollection worklist)
    • postTypedWorkitemJSON

      @POST @Path("/workitem/typed") @Produces({"application/json","application/xml","text/xml"}) @Consumes("application/json") public postTypedWorkitemJSON(InputStream requestBodyStream, @QueryParam("error") String error, @QueryParam("items") String items)
      This method expects JSON in BADGARFISH notation to processed by the WorkflowService EJB.

      The Method returns a workitem with the new data. If a processException Occurs the method returns an object with the error code

      The JSON is parsed manually by teh imixs json parser. The expreced notation is:

      ... value":{"@type":"xs:int","$":"10"}

      requestBodyStream -
      items - - optional item list to be returned in the result
      JSON object
    • putTypedWorkitemJSON

      @PUT @Path("/workitem/typed") @Consumes("application/json") public putTypedWorkitemJSON(InputStream requestBodyStream, @QueryParam("error") String error, @QueryParam("items") String items)
      Delegater for PUT postJSONTypedWorkitem
      workitem -
      items - - optional item list to be returned in the result
    • postTypedWorkitemJSONByUniqueID

      @POST @Path("/workitem/{uniqueid : ([0-9a-f]{8}-.*|[0-9a-f]{11}-.*)}/typed") @Consumes("application/json") public postTypedWorkitemJSONByUniqueID(@PathParam("uniqueid") String uniqueid, InputStream requestBodyStream, @QueryParam("error") String error, @QueryParam("items") String items)
    • putTypedWorkitemJSONByUniqueID

      @PUT @Path("/workitem/{uniqueid : ([0-9a-f]{8}-.*|[0-9a-f]{11}-.*)}/typed") @Consumes("application/json") public putTypedWorkitemJSONByUniqueID(@PathParam("uniqueid") String uniqueid, InputStream requestBodyStream, @QueryParam("error") String error, @QueryParam("items") String items)
      Delegater for PUT postJSONWorkitemByUniqueID
      workitem -
      items - - optional item list to be returned in the result
    • parseWorkitem

      public ItemCollection parseWorkitem(InputStream requestBodyStream)
      This method expects a form post. The method parses the input stream to extract the provides field/value pairs. NOTE: The method did not(!) assume that the put/post request contains a complete workItem. For this reason the method loads the existing instance of the corresponding workItem (identified by the $uniqueid) and adds the values provided by the put/post request into the existing instance. The following kind of lines which can be included in the InputStream will be skipped ------------------------------1a26f3661ff7 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="query" Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------195571638125373 Content-Length: 5680 -----------------------------195571638125373
      requestBodyStream -
      a workitem