The Entity Service

The main resource /entity is uses to read entities and collections through the Imixs Rest Service Interface.

The /entity GET resources

The /entity resources are used to get direct access to the entity service EJB:

URI Description
/entity/query/{query} a collection of entities specified by a JPQL phrase
/entity/count/query/{query} the count of entities returned by a JPQL phrase

Resource Options

You can specify additional URI paramters to filter the resultset or to navigate through a sub list of entities. Append optional arguments to define the number of entities returned by a URL, the starting point inside the list or the sort order. Combine any of the following arguments for the desired result.

option description example
count number of workitems returned by a collection ..?count=10
start position to start workitems returned by a collection ..?start=5&count=10

Note: Imixs-Workflow controls the access for each entity by individual access lists. The result of a collection of entities contains only entities which are not read protected or the current user has sufficien read access.

Administrative resource URIs

The Entity Rest Service provides resource URIs for administrative purpose. To access these resources, the caller must at least be in role “org.imixs.ACCESSLEVEL.MANAGERACCESS”. These administrative URIs should not be used in general business logic. For more information about the Entity Service see the EntityService interface description.

METHOD URI Description
GET /entity/indexlist Returns the list of existing Imixs-Entity-Index entries in XML or JSON format
PUT /entity/index/{name}/{type} Adds an Imixs-Entity-Index for properties provided by ItemCollection objects. An Imixs-Entity-Index can be used to select ItemCollections using a JPQL statement. @see findEntitesByQuery
DELETE /entity/index/{name} Removes an existing Imixs-Entity-Index for a property provided by ItemCollection objects.
POST /entity Post an entity to be stored by the EntityService in the database. NOTE: The content of the entity will be merged into an existing instance.
DELETE /entity/{name} Removes an existing Imixs-Entity-Index for a property provided by ItemCollection objects.